
Last Updated: January 10, 2024

Music is a form of art that involves organized sound elements such as melody, harmony, and rhythm. Its therapeutic benefits largely lie in the emotional and psychological salience it carries for individual people, meaning that different types of music will affect people differently. Depending on the type of music and the characteristics of the listener, music can have a wide range of effects.

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Music is most often used for

What are other names for Music?
Note that Music is also known as:
  • Audio
Dosage information

In general, volumes below 70 decibels (dB) are unlikely to damage a person’s hearing. Continued exposure to volumes above 85 dB can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus over time. For reference, the music at nightclubs and rock concerts generally ranges from 110 to 140 dB. If listening to music in these contexts, consider wearing hearing protection.[1]

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Update History
2024-01-10 00:30:03

Small tweaks to dosage section


We made some very small additions to this page, primarily in the "How to take" section, where we added details on sound levels that are safe for hearing.

Written By

Edited By

Research Breakdown

🚧 Under Renovation 🚧

The information in this section is slated for renovation — it will soon be transformed into a more usable (and readable!) form in the coming months. As such, the text in this section may be out of date and not up to Examine’s current standards for writing style.

  1. ^Ding T, Yan A, Liu KWhat is noise-induced hearing loss?Br J Hosp Med (Lond).(2019-Sep-02)