Burning bush

Last Updated: September 28, 2022

Euonymus Alatus (Gui Jeon Wu) is a traditional medicine touted to improve blood circulation and flow. It is not well studied in that regard and has no human evidence, but may reduce glucose absorption from the intestines after a meal.


Burning bush is most often used for


Euonymus Alatus does not appear to have much evidence for it at this time, and mostly it is in the exploratory stages of figuring out what the main bioactives are. It appears to be a very good source of the standard flavonoid compounds, and some of them (Quercetin in particular) have a variety of different conjugates. Additionally, a large variety of lignans exist in the stems and may be bioactive.

Surprisingly, not too many unique molecules have been isolated from this herb; the benefits seem to be due to the common ingredients that are found in many different herbs and foods.

Currently, the only evidence that can be somewhat applied to daily life is the inhibition of α-glucosidase seen in vitro and once replicated in rats. This may lessen the spike in blood glucose in response to a starchy meal, but by no means is Euonymus Alatus remarkably potent or novel in this regard; the active components here seem to be ones that are found in many other plants as well.

What are other names for Burning bush?
Note that Burning bush is also known as:
  • Winged Euonymus
  • Celastraceae
  • Gui Jeon Wu
  • Burning Bush
  • Euonymus Alatus
Burning bush should not be confused with:
  • Eurycoma Longifolia
Dosage information

Not enough evidence exists at this moment in time to recommend an effective dose

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