Autonomic Dysfunction

    Last Updated: August 16, 2022

    Autonomic dysfunction refers to any condition in which the function of the autonomic nervous system is impaired due to nerve damage or disease. Autonomic dysfunction can affect the regulation of breathing, digestion, body temperature, and sexual and cardiovascular function.

    examine-databaseExamine Database

    Autonomic Dysfunction falls under the Brain Health category.

    43 participants in 2 trials

    Examine Database: Autonomic Dysfunction

    Examine Database References

    1. Orthostatic Hypotension Symptoms - Shibao C, Okamoto LE, Gamboa A, Yu C, Diedrich A, Raj SR, Robertson D, Biaggioni IComparative efficacy of yohimbine against pyridostigmine for the treatment of orthostatic hypotension in autonomic failureHypertension.(2010 Nov)
    2. Pain - Palmieri B, Laurino C, Vadalà MShort-Term Efficacy of CBD-Enriched Hemp Oil in Girls with Dysautonomic Syndrome after Human Papillomavirus VaccinationIsr Med Assoc J.(2017 Feb)