Silk amino acid (SAA)

Last Updated: September 28, 2022

SAAs are amino acids derived from the Silkworm cocoon, containing the peptide compounds Sericin-S and Sericin-L (small and large). Hydrolyzed SAAs are needed to be digested, and SAAs appear to be very nice compounds for skin, hair, and nail health when orally ingested.


Silk amino acid (SAA) is most often used for


Silk Amino Acids are a mixture of amino acids obtained from the cocoon of the Silk Worm Bombix Mori. The mixture of amino acids is very high in the amino acids serine and aspartate, and some versions are rich in tyrosine as well.

The protein can be found in a hydrolyzed (pre-digested) form known as Sericin-S, or as a undigestible form known as Sericin-L. The undigestible form appears to exert protective effects on the colon and intestinal tract, whereas the hydrolyzed form can beneficially affect systemic (post-intestinal) metabolic functions.

Sericin also appears to beneficially affect the skin, in both a protective sense (anti-oxidation, anti-UV radiation) as well as increasing moisture content. These effects may be seen with both topical application or ingestion.

It looks to be a promising compound, but no human studies on health have been conducted.

What are other names for Silk amino acid (SAA)?
Note that Silk amino acid (SAA) is also known as:
  • Sericin
  • SAA
  • SAAa
Dosage information

There is insufficient evidence to recommend an optimal dosage of silk amino acids for human supplementation, although it is known that for any purpose where silk amino acids need to be absorbed a hydrolyzed form of the supplement is required. Hydrolyzed silk amino acids are not required if the target are the intestines or colon.

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