Can carob improve sperm quality in men with infertility? Original paper

    In this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, supplementation with carob improved some sperm quality parameters in men with infertility.

    This Study Summary was published on June 19, 2024.

    Quick Summary

    In this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, supplementation with carob improved some sperm quality parameters in men with infertility.

    What was studied?

    The effect of supplementation with carob on sperm quality parameters, sex hormones, and oxidative stress in the context of male infertility.

    Specifically, the following outcomes were assessed:

    Who was studied?

    A total of 236 men (ages 20–45) with infertility.

    How was it studied?

    A meta-analysis of 4 randomized controlled trials was performed. All of the trials were conducted in Iran. The daily dose of carob ranged from 800 mg to 1,500 mg. The comparator was vitamin E in 2 trials, a placebo in 1 trial, and pentoxifylline (a drug that may improve sperm quality) in 1 trial. The intervention duration ranged from 12 weeks to 3 months.

    What were the results?

    At the end of the intervention, sperm motility and sperm count were higher (better) in the carob group than in the control group.

    The risk of bias was high in 2 trials and unclear in 2 trials.

    Anything else I need to know?

    The questionable methodological quality of the trials included in the meta-analysis reduces our confidence in the results. Also, the fact that all trials were conducted in Iran reduces the generalizability of the findings.

    This Study Summary was published on June 19, 2024.