Pancreatic Cancer Risk

    Last Updated: August 16, 2022

    Pancreatic cancer is a form of cancer that develops from cells of the pancreas. "Pancreatic cancer risk" is used to determine the odds of developing cancer.

    53,644 participants in 3 trials

    Examine Database: Pancreatic Cancer Risk

    Research FeedRead all studies

    Examine Database References

    1. Vitamin D - Skinner HG, Michaud DS, Giovannucci E, Willett WC, Colditz GA, Fuchs CSVitamin D intake and the risk for pancreatic cancer in two cohort studiesCancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.(2006 Sep)
    2. Panax Ginseng (Korean Ginseng) - Yun TK, Choi SYPreventive effect of ginseng intake against various human cancers: a case-control study on 1987 pairsCancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.(1995 Jun)
    3. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) - Vollset SE, Clarke R, Lewington S, Ebbing M, Halsey J, Lonn E, Armitage J, Manson JE, Hankey GJ, Spence JD, Galan P, Bønaa KH, Jamison R, Gaziano JM, Guarino P, Baron JA, Logan RF, Giovannucci EL, den Heijer M, Ueland PM, Bennett D, Collins R, Peto R, B-Vitamin Treatment Trialists' CollaborationEffects of folic acid supplementation on overall and site-specific cancer incidence during the randomised trials: meta-analyses of data on 50,000 individualsLancet.(2013 Mar 23)