Hand-Foot Syndrome Symptoms

    Last Updated: August 16, 2022

    Hand-foot syndrome is a side effect of chemotherapy that results in swelling, ulceration, redness, and pain within the hand and foot.

    examine-databaseExamine Database
    111 participants in 2 trials

    Examine Database: Hand-Foot Syndrome Symptoms

    Examine Database References

    1. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - Corrie PG, Bulusu R, Wilson CB, Armstrong G, Bond S, Hardy R, Lao-Sirieix S, Parashar D, Ahmad A, Daniel F, Hill M, Wilson G, Blesing C, Moody AM, McAdam K, Osborne MA randomised study evaluating the use of pyridoxine to avoid capecitabine dose modificationsBr J Cancer.(2012 Aug 7)
    2. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - C J Fabian, R Molina, M Slavik, S Dahlberg, S Giri, R StephensPyridoxine therapy for palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia associated with continuous 5-fluorouracil infusionInvest New Drugs.(1990 Feb)