Tardive Dyskinesia Symptoms

    Last Updated: August 16, 2022

    Tardive dyskinesia is involuntary movements of the face, lips, mouth, and extremities. It is well known a side effect of antipsychotic medications.

    examine-databaseExamine Database
    157 participants in 1 trial

    Examine Database: Tardive Dyskinesia Symptoms

    Small Improvement

    Examine Database References

    1. Ginkgo Biloba - Zhang XY, Zhang WF, Zhou DF, Chen da C, Xiu MH, Wu HR, Haile CN, Kosten TA, Kosten TRBrain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and its Val66Met gene polymorphism predict tardive dyskinesia treatment response to Ginkgo bilobaBiol Psychiatry.(2012 Oct 15)