Impulse Control

    Last Updated: September 25, 2022

    Impulse control, a cognitive process and an aspect of executive function, refers to one's ability to not act on impulses when that action would be detrimental, such as violent impulses, excessive gambling, and unplanned overeating.

    Examine Database: Impulse Control

    Small Increase
    No effect

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    Examine Database References

    1. L-Tyrosine - Lorenza S Colzato, Bryant J Jongkees, Roberta Sellaro, Wery P M van den Wildenberg, Bernhard HommelEating to stop: tyrosine supplementation enhances inhibitory control but not response executionNeuropsychologia.(2014 Sep)
    2. Nicotine - McGrath DS, Barrett SP, Stewart SH, Schmid EAThe effects of acute doses of nicotine on video lottery terminal gambling in daily smokersPsychopharmacology (Berl).(2012 Mar)