Glycogen Resynthesis

    Last Updated: April 29, 2017

    Glycogen resynthesis refers to the rate of glycogen replenishment following its depletion from exercise, and supplements that increase the rate of glycogen repletion are thought to be useful to athletes with a high workload and carbohydrate intake.

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    Examine Database: Glycogen Resynthesis

    Examine Database References

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    2. Fenugreek - Ruby BC, Gaskill SE, Slivka D, Harger SGThe addition of fenugreek extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum) to glucose feeding increases muscle glycogen resynthesis after exerciseAmino Acids.(2005 Feb)
    3. Vanadium - N Cohen, M Halberstam, P Shlimovich, C J Chang, H Shamoon, L RossettiOral vanadyl sulfate improves hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitusJ Clin Invest.(1995 Jun)
    4. Creatine - van Loon LJ, Murphy R, Oosterlaar AM, Cameron-Smith D, Hargreaves M, Wagenmakers AJ, Snow RCreatine supplementation increases glycogen storage but not GLUT-4 expression in human skeletal muscleClin Sci (Lond).(2004 Jan)
    5. Fenugreek - Slivka D, Cuddy J, Hailes W, Harger S, Ruby BGlycogen resynthesis and exercise performance with the addition of fenugreek extract (4-hydroxyisoleucine) to post-exercise carbohydrate feedingAmino Acids.(2008 Aug)
    6. Chromium - Volek JS, Silvestre R, Kirwan JP, Sharman MJ, Judelson DA, Spiering BA, Vingren JL, Maresh CM, Vanheest JL, Kraemer WJEffects of chromium supplementation on glycogen synthesis after high-intensity exerciseMed Sci Sports Exerc.(2006 Dec)