
Last Updated: September 28, 2022

Artemisia iwayomogi (Haninjin) has limited traditional use, but as of late is being investigated for anti-cancer properties. At least one study suggests possible fat-burning effects, and immune-system interactions may be present.


Haninjin is most often used for


Artemisia iwayomogi (Haninjin; the family of artemisia being that of Mugwort) is a herb that is used in part for medicinal effects but for some culinary purposes in Korea, and is in the preliminary stages of research for its benefits.

Currently, there is no human evidence but a few animal studies support that compounds in the water extracts may be potent as an anti-allergic medicine and that a 95% ethanolic extract may possess fat burning properties (via being a PPARδ activatior, a relatively unique mechanism for supplements)

What are other names for Haninjin?
Note that Haninjin is also known as:
  • Haninjin
  • Mugwort (refers To The Family Of Artemisia)
  • Artemisia Iwayomogi
Dosage information

There is insufficient evidence for a recommended dose for human consumption of Artemisia iwayomogi, although rat stdies have used 200 mg/kg of a 95% ethanolic extract for bioactivities. Assuming this dose, the estimated human doses are 32 mg/kg, or:

  • 2,200 mg for a 150 lb person
  • 2,900 mg for a 200 lb person
  • 3,600 mg for a 250 lb person

Optimal dosing times (once daily or multiple doses) or whether this herb needs to be taken with a meal or not is currently not known.

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